Oikotree Forum 2013

From Arnoldshein to Johannesburg

The first Oikotree forum was held in Arnoldshein, Germany, in November 2010. Sixteen faith-based social movements committed themselves to strategize for common action and commitment in the shaping of alternatives to the dominant systems that continues to deny life. The final statement reflected a commitment to work together inĀ  buildingĀ  platforms of dialogue, reflection and activism for justice in the economy and the earth.


Since Anoldshein, church-based movements in North America have been coalescing under an Oikotree umbrella; the development of a roving faculty focused on oikos theology has taken shape; workshops were held at the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation and the World Social Forum.

Some of the commitments from Germany have been achieved but much work need to be done in facilitating the space that will build natural synergies of groups and causes that allows for a dynamic engagement of peoples across the globe for the cause of justice and building life affirming communities.

The second global forum was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in March 2013, to continue the space for all participants to build on and strengthen a coming together of individuals and social networks for common action seeking to shape an alternative to the dominant socio political and economic model.

Objectives of the Global Oikotree Forum 2013Ā 

* Facilitating space for the creation of synergies and strength of movements through raising greater awareness of common areas of struggle.

* Re-strategizing on the shape, nature and dynamic functionality of future leadership of the movement.

* Exploring varied methodologies of linkages, learning and information sharing among the movements.

60 participants from 19 countries, representing about 30 movements and churches, engaged themselves in constructive and lively discussions and conclusively formulated several strategies to bring changes, stand in solidarity with each other and to collaboratively advocate for justice issues.

Links to some of the movements represented at the 2013 Forum:

Alternative Tourism Group

Asia Pacific Center for Integral Study of LifeĀ (Oikozoe)

Bench Marks Foundation

Diakonia Council of Churches

Kairos Europa

Kairos Palestine

Lilia Solano

Martin Luther King Centre, Cuba

Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh

Peace for Life

September National Imbizo (SNI)

Southern African Faith Communitiesā€™ Environment InstituteĀ (SAFCEI)

United Evangelical Mission (UEM)

Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP)

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