United Nations Public Service Day
Today, as we honour these essential workers and so many more, we must also reflect on how to better protect,
Today, as we honour these essential workers and so many more, we must also reflect on how to better protect,
Invisible Women, Invisible Problems The loss of a partner is devastating. For many women around the world, especially in developing countries,
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By resolution 42/112 of 7 December 1987, the General Assembly decided to observe 26 June as the International Day against Drug Abuse
Continue readingInternational Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Torturers must never be allowed to get away with their crimes, and systems that enable torture should be dismantled or
Continue readingInternational Day in Support of Victims of Torture
Supporting small businesses through the COVID-19 crisis Small businesses, including those run by women and young entrepreneurs, are being hit
Continue readingMicro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day
The future belongs to the Tropics The International Day of the Tropics celebrates the extraordinary diversity of the tropics while
Why Asteroid Day? In December 2016 the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/71/90, declaring 30 June International Asteroid Day  in
Parliaments' role is more vital than ever during COVID-19 In COVID-19 times, Parliaments and other government institutions are subject to the
The COVID-19 pandemic and climate emergency have both revealed the fragility of our societies and our planet. These dual crises