- To be a resource group that identifies current information on alternatives to the new liberal economy
- To identify issues that require reflection and analysis by the Oikotree movement/network
- Highlight current research findings on climate justice, ecology, economic justice, economy and theology.
- Propose emerging issues on justice and peace that require new research and analysis
Areas work:
The working group will:
- Conduct a literature survey through the web and other sources about alternatives to the neo liberal economic and social paradigm
- Disseminate the findings to the movements of the Oikotree and invite their contributions
- Create a web-forum for analysis for new issues that may arise from the Oikotree movements
- encourage Oikotree movements to make their research available to the Oikotree
- Propose research reports that could be published by the Oikotree
- In conjunction with the communication working group publish summaries of findings in an e-news letter.
- Group members will be recruited by posting the terms of reference on the website and asking people to sign up for the group
- Members should be
- Interdisciplinary and versed with issues of economy, ecology and theology
- Those who are already involved in research and analysis
Way of working:
- Quarterly online meetings to share information
- Work to be conducted electronically (online, email, Skype, etc.)
- Participatory research is preferable
- A list serve could be developed that will involve the group members
- Reporting to Facilitation Group via Facilitator/Convenor who will be co-opted as a member of the Facilitation Group
- Volunteers will be sought to serve as Facilitators/Convenors for each group, and these volunteers will be asked to select a
Dr. Rogate Mshana, Convener/ Email:<rogatemshana@hotmail.com>