“Covideconomics, Climate and War – toward an Economy of Life”


“Covideconomics, Climate and War – toward an Economy of Life”

Time: 2.00 PM (CET), Wednesday, 04, May 2022

 Click the link to join the zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 828 3967 5163  |  Passcode: OIKOTREE



Time Zones: Edmonton, Canada – 6 AM, Chicago and Cancun, Mexico – 7 AM, Philadelphia – 8 AM, Zambia, Harare and Geneva – 2 PM, Tanzania – 3 PM, India -5.30 PM, Manila and Singapore – 8  PM,  Tokyo and South Korea – 9 PM Adelaide –9.30 PM, and Auckland and Fiji, Suva on Thursday, 5th May – 12.00 AM

Gathering  – Dr William Stanley, General Secretary, Oikotree Global, India

Moderator – Dr. Rogate Mshana, Economist, Eco-life Tanzania


  1. Daphne Leola Kiki – Economy and Climate Justice in the context of Pacific Region

  2. J. John – Labour in the context of Covid Pandemic in Asia

  3. Suzanne Membe Matale – Covideconomics, climate and war in African Context

  4. Joy Kennedy – Covideconomics, climate and war in North American Context

  5. Athena Peralta – Covideconomics, climate and war – Economy of Life in the Global Context.

Acknowledgments –  Rev Christopher Rajkumar, USA

-Justice in the Economy and the Earth-“To promote Life-Flourishing Culture, Community and Systems”The OIKOTREE Movement is a “Movement of movements” striving for justice, peace, and lifein fullness was initiated by the World Council of Churches (WCC), the World Communion ofReformed Churches (WCRC) and the Council of World Mission (CWM)
Organised by: Oikotree in partnership with The IRDWSI, World Council of Churches, (WCC) World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and Council of World Mission (CWM).

 Email:, Contact Mobile – +919849120377,

OIKOTREE is a community of movements that includes church-related groups, social justice movements, secular groups, faith-based organizations, and individuals who are challenged on a daily basis to live faithfully in the context of the Empire and are striving together for justice in the economy and the Earth. The main goal of the OIKOTREE community is to challenge and resist militarized economic globalization through struggles for transformative systemic change and a commitment to the promotion of lived-out life-enhancing alternatives of caring economies in communities. The struggle toward this goal is inspired by a faith-based imperative of God’s call to justice for those who are impoverished and marginalized by systemic injustice in the economy, and God’s call to seek justice and care for the Earth ‘groaning in pain’ due to human activity. OIKOTREE and other social movements that connect with these ecumenical efforts are key bridge builders to deeper social analysis, activism, solidarity, partnerships and people’s struggles.  OIKOTREE is a movement initiated by the Council for World Mission (CWM), the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), and the World Council of Churches (WCC), which struggle to dismantle an empire, that has produced unprecedented economic and ecological crises in our times.

Vision: “Envisioning a world of justice and life-flourishing Communities and caring our Earth”.

Mission: “Promoting and living out life flourishing alternatives in communities”

Oikotree Facilitation Group:

Prof. Rev. Dr Seong-Won Park, Convenor of Transformative Education Working Group

Prof. Rev. Dr Susan Davies, Convenor of Transformative Theology Working Group

Dr. Rogate Mshana, Convenor of Research and Analysis Working Group

Rev. Dr Omega Bula, Convenor of Life-Enhancing Agriculture Working Group

Dr William Stanley, Convenor of Joint Struggle Working Group

Mrs. Carla Natan, Convenor of Youth Empowerment Working Group

Rev. Christopher Rajkumar, Convenor, Networking and Communications Working Group

Dr Rogate Mshana and Dr William Stanley, Resource Mobilization Working Group

Ms. Iemaima Vaai, OFG, Fiji, Pacific

Ms. Fujiwara Sawako, OFG, Japan

Rev. Hwang-In-Sung, OFG, South Korea

Ms. Manjulie Vaiphei, OFG,  India

Mr. Vinod Shemron, OFG,  India

Dr. Onesmo Matei, OFG, Tanzania

Rev. Suzanne Matale, OFG, Zambia

Mr. Collins, OFG, Zimbabwe

Mrs. Athena Peralta, Representative of World Council of Churches

Rev. Philip Peacock, Representative of World Communion of Reformed Churches

Representative of Council for World Mission- to propose

Prof. Rev.Dr Seong-Won Park, Moderator, OIKOTREE Global

Dr William Stanley, General Secretary, OIKOTREE Global

Oikotree Website: