CASA Commune is an embodiment of individuals and organizations that challenge the Empire of the World. CASA Commune organized a parallel seminar during the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Karlsruhe, Germany on September 2, 2022 on the theme “Peace on Earth”. Over 100 participants from all over the globe participated.

There were panel discussion to hear the voices from the conflict regions like Latin America, Africa, Asia and Middle East followed be an interfaith prayer gathering for Peace.

Oikotree represented by its General Secretary Dr. William Stanley and other Faciliating Group Members including Rev. Dr. Hwang In-sung (S. Korea), Rev. Dr. Suzanne Matale (Zambia), Dr. Onesmo Matei, (Tanzania) and Rev. Christopher Rajkumar (India/USA).

This delegations expressed its solidarity with the global alternative voices gathered at ike “Casa Commune.” Through these enriching engagements, OIKOTREE contributed and also challenged the global church and ecumenical leaders gathered on several brainstorming engagements in Workshops, Round Tables, Group Discussions in and around the Assembly venue.